When Tessa burps, it is like her entire soul is speaking to us very loudly.
If Andre were a car, he would be a yellow VW bus. You know, like the one on Little Miss Sunshine.
I have amazing family members and friends who somehow always seem to know exactly what I need from them and when.
Being on the road, away from them all, is harder than I imagined. It is also, however, the most rewarding experience I have ever had.
Art, in all of its various forms, is extremely important to me and I am a better person when I am engaging with it.
Kings of Leon never get old.
Nothing can bring my team together quite like a disney movie (I'm looking at you, The Emperor's New Groove).
Most people have inherent good and evil inside of them and we have met so many who are trying ever day to embrace the good.
Perkin's restaurant and bakery sells 6 giant cookies for $3!
Sonic Happy Hour makes us all so happy that we literally ended a fight and started giggling with excitement when we passed Sonic and realized it was between 2:00 and 4:00.
The combination of Benadryl and Red Bull evens each other out and leaves me at a normal energy level, minus the allergy symptoms.
I miss the other roadies and IC staff more every day we are apart.
I am more selfish than I initially realized, but I can already see drastic improvement in myself.
Sometimes, the tornado sirens go off in Kansas and nobody even reacts.
All of us on the Middle America team have strange voices that we use when we get bored. Tessa's scares me, Andre's is scarily on point, and Heathers' never, ever fail to make me laugh.
Oprah really is a frighteningly powerful person. Everyone knows her and cares what she thinks. And everyone has written her a letter at one point.
Harry Potter fans are everywhere and when you meet one, you can skip right past the small talk and onto important things, like what house they are in and what their patronus looks like.
Taco bell does, eventually, get old.
However, I could still eat cheese dip from a Mexican restaurant every single day.
Wearing the same clothes and not showering for three days in a row sucks, but it is not so offensive that people can't stand to be around you.
Sleep is underrated, no matter what anyone says. I miss it.
All close friends should start a book club. The Middle America Roadie book club is currently reading "Blue Like Jazz". Next in line are "The Shack" and "Mere Christianity".
Every day, I am alive and, at least for that day, I am the best me that I can be.
I can ALWAYS use more financial support. Send checks to my parents. No, seriously. :)
With Hope,
It was really cool to meet you guys. My blog, if you are interested, is benjaminedwards.blogspot.com
Also, I love Blue Like Jazz...Definitely in my top 5 favorite books. Later bro.
"I've been turned into a cow. . . can I go home now?"
The Sorting Hat officially placed me in Gryffindor this week! Thank you.
I'm experiancing the wonderful world of drowsy allergy meds. while traveling too! How confused I feel.
The Shack is still America's #15 top best seller. Congratulations.
I miss you like a child misses their blanket. (Thank you almost Meth-face Fergie Ferg.)
Brandon. This is Becky Dale.
a) you are my hero
b) you wrote on my wall. and I got excited about it
c) that makes me a SUPER loser.
d) you mentioned The Emperor's New Groove in this post. and I got excited about it
e) does that cancel my loser-ness?
I just found your blog... we love you, miss you and Hope talks about you all the time... she says "I miss the kids".
Hug each other for us. We are so, so proud of you and pray for you lots. We are keeping the IC love alive in OKC!
Much love to our Mid America team
(Hope says hi... she wants me to tell you that she is watching the video 'The Climb" (gag)... no lie, she just looked over at me and calmly said "Brandon has this on his ipod"... not knowing I was posting on your blog. :)
I'm going to assumer you're an HP fan. Well, let me tell you, I love HP. I own the adult-cover, British versions. Tonks is my second favourite character. Of the children, Ron is my favourite. Peter Pettigrew is actually my favourite. I like his fall, what can I say? I love broken characters. And Peter is so broken, and so hurt, and of course he fell, and yes, I could write a novel on Peter Pettigrew ...
But I just wanted to say hi!
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